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. node.innerHTML = ''; } else { return; } } } event.content = wp.mce.views.setMarkers( event.content, editor ); } ); // Replace any new markers nodes with views. editor.on( 'setcontent', function() { wp.mce.views.render(); } ); // Empty view nodes for easier processing. editor.on( 'preprocess hide', function( event ) { editor.$( 'div[data-wpview-text], p[data-wpview-marker]', event.node ).each( function( i, node ) { node.innerHTML = '.'; } ); }, true ); // Replace views with their text. editor.on( 'postprocess', function( event ) { event.content = resetViews( event.content ); } ); // Prevent adding of undo levels when replacing wpview markers // or when there are changes only in the (non-editable) previews. editor.on( 'beforeaddundo', function( event ) { var lastContent; var newContent = event.level.content || ( event.level.fragments && event.level.fragments.join( '' ) ); if ( ! event.lastLevel ) { lastContent = editor.startContent; } else { lastContent = event.lastLevel.content || ( event.lastLevel.fragments && event.lastLevel.fragments.join( '' ) ); } if ( ! newContent || ! lastContent || newContent.indexOf( ' data-wpview-' ) === -1 || lastContent.indexOf( ' data-wpview-' ) === -1 ) { return; } if ( resetViews( lastContent ) === resetViews( newContent ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } } ); // Make sure views are copied as their text. editor.on( 'drop objectselected', function( event ) { if ( isView( event.targetClone ) ) { event.targetClone = editor.getDoc().createTextNode( window.decodeURIComponent( editor.dom.getAttrib( event.targetClone, 'data-wpview-text' ) ) ); } } ); // Clean up URLs for easier processing. editor.on( 'pastepreprocess', function( event ) { var content = event.content; if ( content ) { content = tinymce.trim( content.replace( /<[^>]+>/g, '' ) ); if ( /^https?:\/\/\S+$/i.test( content ) ) { event.content = content; } } } ); // Show the view type in the element path. editor.on( 'resolvename', function( event ) { if ( isView( event.target ) ) { event.name = editor.dom.getAttrib( event.target, 'data-wpview-type' ) || 'object'; } } ); // See `media` plugin. editor.on( 'click keyup', function() { var node = editor.selection.getNode(); if ( isView( node ) ) { if ( editor.dom.getAttrib( node, 'data-mce-selected' ) ) { node.setAttribute( 'data-mce-selected', '2' ); } } } ); editor.addButton( 'wp_view_edit', { tooltip: 'Edit|button', // '|button' is not displayed, only used for context. icon: 'dashicon dashicons-edit', onclick: function() { var node = editor.selection.getNode(); if ( isView( node ) ) { wp.mce.views.edit( editor, node ); } } } ); editor.addButton( 'wp_view_remove', { tooltip: 'Remove', icon: 'dashicon dashicons-no', onclick: function() { editor.fire( 'cut' ); } } ); editor.once( 'preinit', function() { var toolbar; if ( editor.wp && editor.wp._createToolbar ) { toolbar = editor.wp._createToolbar( [ 'wp_view_edit', 'wp_view_remove' ] ); editor.on( 'wptoolbar', function( event ) { if ( ! event.collapsed && isView( event.element ) ) { event.toolbar = toolbar; } } ); } } ); editor.wp = editor.wp || {}; editor.wp.getView = noop; editor.wp.setViewCursor = noop; return { getView: noop }; } ); } )( window.tinymce );